Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Week of Adventures, Part 4: Shaaanxi History Museum

First of all, I have to apologize for my highly sporadic updates. I'm still alive and well, just really busy. Secondly, I have to post this picture of my niece Brenna because it's absolutely the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
So, back to my week of vacation. Before we made our way to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, we stopped at the Shaanxi History Museum (陕西历史博物馆 Shaanxi Lishi Bowuguan), which I had heard from more than one source is the best museum in all of China. See below: That's quite a boast if you ask me, but it did not disappoint. It houses over 300,000 items in four galleries, including murals, paintings, pottery, coins, and silver objects.

It was all very nice but the best part by far was this picture below:
The gold piece on the right is explained as "Taxation gold in shape of a horse hoof", while the piece on the right is "Taxation gold in shape of a unicorn hoof".
How do they know what a unicorn hoof looks like? And why does it differ so drastically from the horse hoof? The world may never know...

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