Thursday, November 8, 2007

Puppies, puppies everywhere..

Much to my delight (and chagrin), there are often people sitting at the side of the road with a box of the most adorable puppies. Here's one I fell in love with on a shopping trip downtown.
The chagrin part comes from the fact that I can only cuddle with these precious balls of fluff for as long as I am willing to squat next to the puppy-selling man, which is usually not that long. I'm trying to convince one of my Chinese friends to get a puppy that I can play with.

We spotted this one on campus, probably a recent purchase by one of the graduate students.

On Saturday night we saw a man peddling tiny pets on the street downtown. He was selling gerbils, turtles, and little fish conveniently packaged in a key chain. I might just crack and get some kind of pet before my stay is up. How long do turtles live..?

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