Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Teacher's Day! : Updated

Yesterday was Teacher's Day in China! A fact of which I was unaware until I was greeted with banners and flowers as I arrived at class.

The students also signed cards for us and here are a few of my favorites:
One thing. I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how hard you try. Just do it. -Sonic
I'm sure you have spent the Teacher's day in the way of artists. -Jack
Day day happy and up! HAHA -Roy
Kitty Beauty, May You Lucky! -Well
The first time I saw you, I was attracted. By the way, It's a fact that you are much more beautiful than the photo above! -Lewis

I have to add something Shelby's student wrote to her because it is the most fantasically bizarre compliment ever.
I think in China you will be regarded as a boy. A lovely and naughty boy.

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