Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Back to the Grind

Well, almost. Class doesn't officially start for another five days, but I've been using my last days of freedom to finish all the tasks I left hanging for a month while I was off cavorting in exotic locations. The weather in Xi'an is not as cold as I expected, but it was a little shock to the nervous system after all the time spent on the beach. My tan is definitely out of place in this climate and where "whitening cream" can be found in almost any skin care item.

I posted the rest of my pictures from my vacation which can be viewed here. For a more graphic representation of where I was, you can look at this map. I also put up some pictures of my week spent in Shanghai after New Years, which you can see here.

I'm looking forward to getting back to work and seeing my students again, although I might be taking on a few extra hours, due to the fact that four foreign teachers left this semester and have yet to be replaced. Hooray.

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