Monday, February 4, 2008

Pictures and Cambodia: Updated

Sorry for the fact that I haven't kept you all better updated on my travels. I made it out of China before the big snowstorm hit, and I've been very happily avoiding the cold weather in Vietnam and now Cambodia. Apparently, the hotel in Xian has been without power and heating, and the temperature was -8 celsius the last time I checked! I'm staying warm in the town of Siem Reap, just outside the ancient city of Angkor Wat. After spending a few days here, I'm off to Thailand where I fly home February 19th. I just wanted to share a few pictures I uploaded from my time spent in Chengdu and Kunming. There will be more to follow.. just as soon as I get the chance.

Update: I put up more pictures of my time in Vietnam. I spent all of today wandering the ruins of Angkor Wat, and I'm still not done! I'm going back for more tomorrow before heading on to Bangkok on the 9th.

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