Sunday, February 24, 2008

Re-conversion to Vegetarianism

I found this disturbing news item in a paper in Bangkok when I was on vacation:
"When an American caterer working for the U.S. Olympic Committee went to a supermarket in China last year, he encountered a piece of chicken - half a breast - that measured 14 inches. 'Enough to feed a family of eight,' said the caterer, Frank Puleo, who has traveled from New York to China to handle food related issues.
We had it tested and it was so full of steroids that we never could have given it to athletes,' Puleo said of the chicken meat that measured about 35 centimeters. 'They all would have tested postive.' "

So with the knowledge that I've been unwittingly bulking up for the past 6 months, I've decided to rededicate myself to the life of an herbivore. Although with the language barrier, I'll have to be less than strict about my vegetarian diet. This change, however, has the added benefit of giving me a valid excuse to avoid eating some of the very strange delicacies in China.
In honor of that fact, I'm giving you a list of all the exotic morsels I've indulged in and my amateur culinary opinion.

Pig's feet: Not much to eat, mostly skin, and very hard to hold with chopsticks. Overall, lacked flavor.

Cow's stomach: Texture is the main appeal. Feels like bubble wrap.

Chicken feet: After accidentally ordering this, I was too scared to actually eat it. Chicken feet look surprisingly like huge pieces of ginger.

Duck intestines: Probably one of the most unappetizing things I've ever had. Imagine eating an anus. That's what it tasted like.. with peppers!

Duck brain: A lot like foie gras. I definitely recommend this one.

Hundred-Year Old Egg: The egg is not actually one hundred years old, but marinated in some sort of brine for a few weeks, giving it a murky appearance. Kind of an acquired taste.

Ox Lung: Looks like beeswax, feels like a tennis net. Overall, not bad.

Sheep's testicle: A silken texture that feels amazing on the palate. Definitely a must.

Me and the threatening chicken appendage.

Lily and Shelby enjoying sheep genitals as part of our Christmas feast.

1 comment:

Ezra Fox said...

I've missed out on so much by not reading your blog religiously.