Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Something to Chew On

An interesting article about the future of meat consumption (and food, in general) in the face of growing global demands and climate change.

Being over here has made me think a lot about not only what kind of effects food has on my body, but also the consequences of my food choices both locally and globally. The food situation in China has gotten a lot of attention lately (at least in the foreign media) with the Olympics, the problems with tainted exports, and the effects of pollution on food and agricultural land. But overall, China is facing the same kind of problems that the U.S. has faced in the past or will face in the future. Both countries need to take a serious look at an agricultural system that is suffering from economic and environmental problems.

Here is a great website that shows you what agricultural products are in season in your area (U.S. only). It also has links to recipes for those who need some extra help. Eating locally not only supports the local economy but also cuts down on greenhouse gases caused by transporting produce hundreds or thousands of miles. If that doesn't convince you, it tastes better too.

I think that's enough raving for today.

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