Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Much Too Turtle-y for the Turtle Club

The day after I got Doudou, it dawned on me that her cantankerous attitude may be due to the fact she was lonely. The turtle man did advise that two turtles were best, one male and one female, so that they could entertain each other or something. So I went back to the road-side stall and picked out a small male turtle and named him 小绿 (Xiao Lu or Little Green). Since then, Doudou and Xiao Lu have been getting along smashingly as evidenced by the picture below.

They're kissing! Okay, so they didn't do that themselves, but they have taken to sleeping in close contact. The other night I came home to find them holding hands, and yesterday I caught this moment on camera:

Doudou likes to be on top.

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