Monday, December 31, 2007

Sorry Excuse for a Blogger

I really meant to post sooner, but I got caught up in the whole Christmas season (ie. eating and drinking lots). In addition, my computer, which has been slowly breaking down for a couple years, refuses to recognize the internet connection in my apartment, meaning I have to come to my (unheated) office to go online. Needless to say, my blog may become even more sporadic. What's more, I am hopelessly tech-un-savy, and I can't get any of my pictures to load onto this computer. So while I was going to treat you all to the tale of my Christmas adventures, it will have to wait until I can get my visual aids to work.

In more positive news, tonight I'll be ringing in 2008 China-style. No word yet on what that means, but I'm sure it will include (lots of) baijiu. My TV interview will also air tonight at 11:50 pm, so hopefully no one will be at home to watch.

Happy Birthday to my mom who turned an unspecified youthful age December 30th and is now officially engaged to a wonderful man. Congratulations to the both of them and Happy New Year to the rest of you! 新年快乐!

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