Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weekend Update

I'm still alive and as busy as ever.

The semester is starting to wind down which means exams to plan and plenty of things to grade. Three of my classes will finish in two weeks, and the other two will finish a couple weeks after that. Then, it's vacation! For a month! My plans are still up in the air (way, way up), but they'll definitely involve some warm weather. I'm thinking SE Asia, but I also hope to visit the family in Shanghai.

I had a very nice Thanksgiving here halfway across the world. I had to teach on Thursday, so we decided to celebrate on the Tuesday before. We had a pretty decent group, a few of the other foreign teachers at NPU and some other foreign and Chinese friends. There were only three Americans there, so it was really just an excuse to get together and eat massive amounts of food. We went to a restaurant that serves duck in the Beijing style (Peking duck), which is one of my favorite foods. We also wanted to keep in the whole roast bird theme for the holiday (no turkey in China). We ordered two whole ducks and some other dishes similar to traditional Thanksgiving foods (fried green beans, potatoes, something involving corn and pumpkin, and duck gut sandwiches-a Thanksgiving first!) The food was amazing, and the company was almost as good.

Here is Lily, our Chinese friend, with Ali in the traditional Scottish Thanksgiving dress.

In other news, I'll be on Chinese television sometime in the next few weeks to discuss how Americans give gifts. Random, I know. I'll let you all know how it goes. And yes, I'm getting a copy on DVD for us to watch later and laugh at.

Happy Birthday to my brother Jeremy who turned 27 on November 24th. He is now officially a grown up in my eyes.

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